Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Black Power and Brown Power Good, White Power Painted Into Racist Box

First, as I know it will come up, I am not a racist, and I do not embrace the boxed in White Supremacy structure and definition of the words White Power. I used the term as Blacks use the term Black Power, I embrace their definition, I adopt it as our own.

Black Power
A movement among Black Americans emphasizing racial pride and social equality through the creation of Black political and cultural institutions: "Black Power . . . calls for black people to consolidate behind their own, so that they can bargain from a position of strength" Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton.

White Power
A movement among White Americans emphasizing racial pride and social equality through the creation of White political and cultural institutions: "White Power . . . calls for white people to consolidate behind our own, so that we can bargain from a
position of strength" Good enogh for Carmichael and Hamilton, it is good enough for me, good enough for a White Power Movement.

For those that WILL COMPLAIN about this post, for those that will claim this blog is a White Supremacy Blog, I will put a permanent link to this post, to my own definition of White Power on our side bar.

For the record, and as example of the double standards that BOX WHITE PEOPLE in, keep us from demanding our own Equal Rights, I share below the WIKI explantion of White Power...a definition meant to be oppressive, meant to quilt us into feeling a shame that keeps us both meek and quiet, a definition of White Power I refuse to own, a definition that is perfectly representative of the Reverse Racism that is routinely targeted at Caucasian Americans as teh Black Community wrongfully attempts to saddle us with a quilt over actions that took place long before any of us were born.

White Power is a white nationalist political slogan, and a name for the associated ideology.

As a political phrase, White Power was coined by American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell. He used the term in a debate with Stokely Carmichael of the Black Panther Party, after Carmichael issued a call for "Black Power". White Power became the name of the American Nazi Party's newspaper, and the title of a book by Rockwell. Many white nationalists, including white supremacists and certain neo-Nazis, have since used the phrase White Power to describe their political goal.

White Power as an ideology has become closely associated with a racist faction of the skinhead subculture. When the skinhead scene first developed in the United Kingdom in the late 1960s, it was heavily influenced by Jamaican rude boys and British mods.[1][2][3] However, by the 1980s, a sizable and vocal white power skinhead faction had formed; partly influenced by Ian Stuart Donaldson and his Rock Against Communism band, Skrewdriver. The band's 1983 EP White Power was the first white power rock music recording printed by the White Noise record label.

Double Standards in PRESS REPORTING:

This from a Baltimore Paper:

BALTIMORE (Map, News) - As Sarah Kreager, 26, tried to sit down on a Baltimore City bus Tuesday, police say, a middle-schooler told her she couldn’t. When she attempted to take another seat, a middle-schooler wouldn’t let her. Finally, according to police, Kreager just sat down.

She was “immediately attacked” by nine students — three females and six males — from Robert Poole Middle School. They punched and kicked her at 2:59 p.m. at the intersection of 33rd Street and Chestnut Avenue, according to Maryland Transit Administration police.

The Same Story with the one crucial MISSING PIECE OF INFORMATIONO ADDED IN:

BALTIMORE (Map, News) - As Sarah Kreager, 26, tried to sit down on a Baltimore City bus Tuesday, police say, a black middle-schooler told her she couldn’t. When she attempted to take another seat, a black middle-schooler wouldn’t let her. Finally, according to police, Kreager just sat down.

She was “immediately attacked” by nine black students — three black females and six black males — from Robert Poole Middle School. They punched and kicked her at 2:59 p.m. at the intersection of 33rd Street and Chestnut Avenue, according to Maryland Transit Administration police. (Nine Black Students beating White Woman not a hate crime...tell me Roland Martin, what would you call it if nine White Students were caught beating up a Black Woman?)

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