Monday, March 30, 2009

Us Or Them...Defunding USAID To Keep American Tax Dollars in America

Let us not kid America unravels, it is US or THEM, and too often we have our elected officials siding with them...IE, Mexico and Illegal Aliens. At our Bring Our Troops Home blog we will be targeting Federal Government Programs that OUTSOURCE OUR TAX DOLLARS to other nations so that you can contact Congress, demand that these programs be defunded, the money spent here at home. Our FIRST TARGET....USAID.


All we have heard from President Obama is how we as Americans need to tighten our belts, need to make SACRIFICES, NEED TO WORK FOR FREE, VOLUNTEER OUR TIME for the Good of America. While we suffer, while Americans CANNOT FEED THEIR FAMILIES, USAID is using OUR TAX DOLLARS to build schools and pay people in foreign lands in the name of NATION BUILDING as Obama follows the BUSH DOCTRINE of Spreading Democracy.

While you stand on food lines, while your schools go without books or repairs, USAID's Budget Requests for 2009 are well in excess of $1.5 BILLION DOLLARS. ONE BILLION DOLLARS creates up to 25,000 jobs here in America...make no mistake, the time has come where it is US OR THEM. You are encouraged to contact your Elected Officials in Washington, DC demanding an end too this waste of our tax dollars. We must cut these OUT OF NATION expenditures, end these programs and instead take care of our own...Buy American, Fund American, keep our tax dollars working for us here in America.

In on going efforts to keep our dollars here in America, in an effort to stop funding job creation anywhere and every where but here in America, we as a part of our Bring the Troops Home efforts will be identifying programs funded by Congress that do not directly BENEFIT AMERICANS, programs that need to be killed through de-funding.

ELIMINATE USAID IN 2009 Budget...Contact Congress

Contacting the Congress

111th Congress, 1st Session
Washington, DC 20515 (202) 224-3121 (web site)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Suburban and Rural Leagues Now Seeking Committee Members

The White Empowerment Network (WEN) is pleased to announce the creation of two new and vital Leagues in helping White People unite as a political force.

National Suburban League (NSL and/or Suburban League)
Rural League of America (RLA or Rural League...may also be known as American Rural League)

As we move forward, as we lobby Congress for funds, it is imperiative that we have a CORE group of dedicated people creating IMPORTANT and SELF SERVING is our hope that they new Leagues will take their place along side other great leagues here on America like the League of Woman Voters, the Urban League, the National and American Leagues.

If you are interested in being a dedicated working committee member, please email your interest to Strike Force News.

On the other hand, if you are someone just looking for a title, we can arrange that. Let us know how big of a patron check you want to write out, and we'll be happy to discuss your title after it clears the bank. We just love Gold and Silver Patrons. We also accept in donation used cars if in good condition (Rolls Royce, Bentley, Jaguar, Tesla).

COMING SOON: White Empowerment PAC or WEPAC.

Anyone out there that wants to sign a Product Marketing deal? *Note-We are working on our first report, "The State of White America" As a point of order, looking at the State of White America, wanting people to read our report, we will be making our "The State of White America" report available FREE online as a downloadable PDF.

Price: $20.00
State of Black America (SOBA) 2008.

Employment Hits Blacks and Latino's Hardest...Your Point Is?

Follow me here for a moment...a new report out is making a HUGE DEAL about the fact that this recession is hitting Blacks and Latino's harder than it is hitting Whites. They attribute this reality directly to the job sectors hit the hardest (blue collar construction and service industry know, the jobs we White Americans have been told we are either A) too proud to take, or B) too intelligent to take). Checking the report, you quickly realize a significant flaw in the statistics...they do not separate Illegal Aliens from the general (and legal) Latino population. This is a very important distinction to make for several reasons.

1. Be honest...if you found out that say 200,000 Illegal Aliens had lost their construction jobs, would you be far less upset than if 200,000 Latino's here legally had lost their jobs?

2. Illegal Aliens depress lower and middle class incomes by over $200 Billion dollars a year. See number one above.

3. Illegal Aliens depress wages of the average black man between the ages of 18-29 the most, with said wage depression equaling or greater than 13 percent annually. See number one above.

4. While 12.5 million Legal Americans (both White, Black and Brown) have lost their jobs, are having trouble feeding their children, over seven million illegal aliens still have our jobs in our American Work Force. See number one above.

I find it odd that Blacks are allowing themselves to be lumped into a group that seeks to protect the very people that are stealing their jobs. I support Immigration, as in Legal Immigration. I do not support illegal immigration, do not support illegal aliens stealing the jobs of all those here in America legally, be they White, Brown or Black. My point in writing this is two fold:

1. You do not get to have it both ways...when we complained that you (Illegal Aliens) were stealing our jobs you claimed you were doing jobs that we would NOT DO...OK, then stop complaining now that you are losing those jobs we would not do! THINK ABOUT IT TILL YOU REALIZE YOU COULD HAVE A V-8. (Yes, assuming here that most of those Latinos who lost their jobs are here illegally...must be a personal prejudice of mine...porous Southern Border with Mexico never entered my equation.)

2. To the hard hit working men and women in the Black Community who find themselves out of work...think about it...while you are out of work, while you are having trouble feeding your children, Obama is fine allowing seven million illegal aliens TOO STEAL YOUR JOBS...

For those that I know will cry FOUL because I attacked Barack "Messiah" Obama:

1. It was President Barack Obama who told Senator Reid and the public that he "did not want E Verify in the Stimulus Bill because it would cause too many ILLEGAL ALIENS to lose their jobs before he and Congress could pass compressive Immigration Reform/AMNESTY...OH YES HE DID!

2. That very decision on the part of OBama not only lets SEVEN MILLION Illegal Aliens keep your (and mine)job, but it also means another 300,000 Illegal Aliens will get Stimulus Jobs paid for with our taxes.

Unemployment Hits Harder Among Blacks, Latinos

Much of the disparity is due to a concentration of Latinos and blacks in construction, blue-collar or service-industry jobs that have been decimated by the economic meltdown. And black unemployment has been about double the rate for whites since the government began tracking those categories in the early 1970s. [Read More]

Thursday, March 26, 2009

If You Are Anti Illegal Aliens, Pro Life, Voted For Ron Paul, Support Tom Tancredo or Possess Subversive Literature, You Might Be A American Terrorist

According to an article on the National Terrorist Watch web site, a report titled “The Modern Militia Movement,” a report by the Pro Illegal Alien Amnesty Group, "Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC)" you are considered belonging to a Para Military (in short, all but a renegade terrorist) Organization if you are A) Pro Life, B) voted for or supported Ron Paul, or C) embrace the Border Security, Work Place Enforcement Agenda of Tom Tancredo. This is just a partial list. Below I have pasted the original article in full, then copied it a second time with my commentary in RED.
Anti American MIAC Rant

If you’re an anti-abortion activist, or if you display political paraphernalia supporting a third-party candidate or a certain Republican member of Congress, if you possess subversive literature, you very well might be a member of a domestic paramilitary group.

That’s according to “The Modern Militia Movement,” a report by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC), a government collective that identifies the warning signs of potential domestic terrorists for law enforcement communities.

“Due to the current economical and political situation, a lush environment for militia activity has been created,” the Feb. 20 report reads. “Unemployment rates are high, as well as costs of living expenses. Additionally, President Elect Barrack [sic] Obama is seen as tight on gun control and many extremists fear that he will enact firearms confiscations.”

MIAC is one of 58 so-called “fusion centers” nationwide that were created by the Department of Homeland Security, in part, to collect local intelligence that authorities can use to combat terrorism and related criminal activities. More than $254 million from fiscal years 2004-2007 went to state and local governments to support the fusion centers, according to the DHS Web site.

During a press conference last week in Kansas City, Mo., DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano called fusion centers the “centerpiece of state, local, federal intelligence-sharing” in the future.

“Let us not forget the reason we are here, the reason we have the Department of Homeland Security and the reason we now have fusion centers, which is a relatively new concept, is because we did not have the capacity as a country to connect the dots on isolated bits of intelligence prior to 9/11,” Napolitano said, according to a DHS transcript.

“That’s why we started this…. Now we know that it’s not just the 9/11-type incidents but many, many other types of incidents that we can benefit from having fusion centers that share information and product and analysis upwards and horizontally.”

But some say the fusion centers are going too far in whom they identify as potential threats to American security.

My Rebuttal In Red
With all due respect, I have to take great umbrage with this article on numerous levels. First and foremost, let us be clear...this message is aimed squarely at EVERY AMERICAN that opposes Obama's plan to grant Amnesty to 12-25 Million Illegal Aliens. We have 12.5 million LEGAL AMERICANS out of work here in America while over 7 million illegal aliens still have jobs, and because I dare to speak up, I dare to demand LAW ENFORCEMENT instead of appeasement, I am now labled a TERRORIST? Lets disect this disturbing piece of Propaganda that you have seen fit to publish here:

If you’re an anti-abortion activist (I am Pro-Choice, but am very disturbed that someone, who for religious beliefs happens to be Pro-Life is now seen as being a part of a para-military the Liberal Left planning on declaring war on these people, or is this the first step in having them categorized as terrorist?) , or if you display political paraphernalia supporting a third-party candidate (HMMMMM...Like Ron Paul? ) or a certain Republican member of Congress (Tom Tancredo), if you possess subversive literature (you mean like my various and assorted packets of Anti Nuclear wife's nuclear reactor caused breast cancer is enough of a reason for me to be ANTI NUCLEAR?), you very well might be a member of a domestic paramilitary group. mention of Mexican Drug Gangs, no mention of 12-25 million illegal aliens, but GOD FORBID we do not keep and eye on those Pro-Life, Ron Paul voting radicals?

That’s according to “The Modern Militia Movement,” a report by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC), a government collective that identifies the warning signs of potential domestic terrorists for law enforcement communities. (Curious here...have you bothered to look at the connections this group has to LaRaza, to MALDEF? Have you bothered to look at their VERY PRO ILLEGAL AMNESTY AGENDA...just mere chance that they are targeting as Para Military nut cases some of the very groups that might OPPOSE AMNESTY in a deliberate attempt to use fear to silence our voices just before the GREAT AMNESTY FIGHT begins in Congress.)

“Due to the current economical and political situation, a lush environment for militia activity has been created,” the Feb. 20 report reads. “Unemployment rates are high, as well as costs of living expenses. Additionally, President Elect Barrack [sic] Obama is seen as tight on gun control and many extremists fear that he will enact firearms confiscations.” (The report telegraphs its true intentions...Lush environment for militia in Border Watches on the part of private citizens just when more Illegal Aliens in large numbers are wanting to get in on Obama's AMNESTY? Unemployment rates are high...and we do not want Obama using work place enforcement or trying to find any of the 7.5 million illegal aliens that have AMERICAN JOBS when 12.5 Million Americans are out of work, having trouble paying their bills, feeding their Department of Homeland Security Folks need to be keeping your eyes on those GUN TOOTING MAIN STREET AMERICANS right now...just ignore us Illegal Aliens coming across your Southern Border in record numbers.)

MIAC is one of 58 so-called “fusion centers” nationwide that were created by the Department of Homeland Security, in part, to collect local intelligence that authorities can use to combat terrorism and related criminal activities. More than $254 million from fiscal years 2004-2007 went to state and local governments to support the fusion centers, according to the DHS Web site. (If this report is any example of WHAT WE GOT FOR OUR MONEY, it was a waste of our tax dollars...what are the groups that got this money, and what is their local POLITICAL AGENDA AND AFFILIATION?)
During a press conference last week in Kansas City, Mo., DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano called fusion centers the “centerpiece of state, local, federal intelligence-sharing” in the future.(Follow me closely now folks...This report is so Anti Main Street America, and so Pro Illegal Alien AMNESTY AGENDA it is, look at the Obama AMNESTY AGENDA. Janet Napolitano does want to do Work Place Enforcement, and wants to solve Mexico's drug problem by taking away our guns. Nancy Pelosi says raids are inhumane. and our immigration laws UNJUST. Obama himself said E Verify should not be included in the stimulus bill as it would cost too many illegal aliens their jobs. WAKE UP AMERICA before your Democracy is gone.)

“Let us not forget the reason we are here, the reason we have the Department of Homeland Security and the reason we now have fusion centers, which is a relatively new concept, is because we did not have the capacity as a country to connect the dots on isolated bits of intelligence prior to 9/11,” Napolitano said, according to a DHS transcript. (Nancy, connecting the dots is fine, but useless if you cannot COUNT...your grasp of intelligence (or lack there of) scares you love illegal aliens that much, or instead or you such an intellectual arrogant that you despise us on Main Street enough to label us terrorists?)

“That’s why we started this…. Now we know that it’s not just the 9/11-type incidents but many, many other types of incidents that we can benefit from having fusion centers that share information and product and analysis upwards and horizontally.” (She makes the onset of Gestapo Like citizens spying on citizens, Communist Red China Human Rights Violations Agenda sound so...CLINICAL.)

But some say the fusion centers are going too far in whom they identify as potential threats to American security. (TALK ABOUT AN UNDERSTATEMENT! )
I have posted your message on ALIPAC, and will be posting it as well on other Main Street American sites. It is my fear that you will censor this response, and so will post it and your original post to my blog. As someone that has put your widget up on numerous sites, have to admit my dissappointment in finding this article displayed here.
ALL BIAS LOTS OF BULL-MIAC-KNOW THINE BIGOTS (Tell me MIAC, does this post get me placed on your Para Military Terrorist Watch List?...Maybe you should look at my ANTI NUCLEAR SITES, Green Nuclear Underground and Green Nuclear Butterfly. If these two RADICAL sites are not enough, maybe you should try my Washington Scandal site. In case you have not guessed there MIAC, I am not a big one for being POLITICALLY CORRECT, prefer to be as subtle as a bag of quarters in a street brawl">

The Minority Institution Astrobiology Collaborative is a virtual collaboration of faculty and students from minority institutions and organizations focused on achieving common educational and research goals in astrobiology.
The purpose of forming MIAC was to bring together individuals who share an interest in making significant contributions to the field of Astrobiology in both research and education. The importance of astrobiology as an interdisciplinary science is in its focus on some of the most important questions in the history of science. The multidisciplinary nature of this important field of science is the ideal climate for developing a collaborative group that would encourage national and international partnerships with minority institutions.


  • Building a successful model for collaborations among scientists and educators at minority institutions (MIs) that will result in funded astrobiology research, peer-reviewed publications, and shared resources that benefit minority students.
  • Developing astrobiology course work and educational outreach that will attract significant numbers of minority students into the field of astrobiology
  • Creating research opportunities in astrobiology for minority students at minority institutions that result in student presentations and publications in astrobiology
  • Developing an infrastructure that will lead to inclusion of members on NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) Teams.

My Take ON United Nations Islamic Protection/Anti Free Speech Rule Voted on Today

Allah can suck my fucking AMERICAN DICK! As for the United Nations...we here in New York need to serve that place eviction papers effective immediately. Sure say 2,000 of New York's finest can effectively see them removed from the building (with force if necessary).

Thank You

The White Empowerment Staff

Do NOT Tolerate Black Bigots and Racists

Bigotry and Racism (contrary to the belief of some) comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Too preface this article, shall establish a couple of beliefs I feel are universal.

1. All human beings are prejudiced, have a predetermined preference for or against a something or a someone. How many people look down on fat people, make certain assumptions about them? (Think Meghan McCain) Let's rephrase the question for a different answer. How many men love big butts, appreciate women blessed with some nice big booty, or is that BOO TAY? We all have our own pair of color (rose) tinted glasses from which we view the world around us.

2. The United States of America's Diversity Efforts are wrong sighted, and send the wrong message about differences between people, regardless of race, color, creed or sexual orientation. In 2009, why are we teaching TOLERANCE? We have a BLACK President, yet are still teaching sad is that? When are we going to kick it up to the next level, when are we going to start teaching ACCEPTANCE? By the way, acceptance is a TWO WAY, even a THREE WAY street...a Societal Round About in the Global Community.

Thus the purpose of this post, the message that we should not tolerate Black Bigots, or any other bigots for that matter. We need if you will, a universal code of ethical behaviors for our interactions with all people of the world. Eric Holder claimed he wants dialogue on race, angered many of us when he called us COWARDS. The problem is, Eric Holder did not say what he really meant, is not man enough to admit the cold hard fact that he does not want to have dialogue. He has an agenda, and a long laundry list of grievances AGAINST THE WHITE MAN that he wants us to hear. Call that reality whatever you want, but it is NOT DIALOGUE. Mr. Holder feels President Obama has given him, given the Black Community a certain (if you will) Entitlement to PUSH A BLACK AGENDA, and they would be wrong. Obama may be our first Black (Mulatto) President, but he is THE People's President, as in One Nation Under God.

Some will argue that Blacks cannot be Racists...the argument being they are not a majority, arguing that being White, being the MAJORITY in an oppressor/oppressed relationship gives us a special ability through our majority to be racist towards the minority. OH PLEASE...freshman quality essay paper gibberish.

If a group of white men beat up a black man, that is RACIST behavior, their actions a hate crime. Racist White Men

If a group of black men beat up a gay man, isn't that RACIST behavior, are not their actions a HATE CRIME? Racist Black Men

Groups are always relative. I may be a majority in one neighborhood, and a minority in another neighborhood. Try being a white male living in a predominantly Black Community and tell me said white male is not subject to certain racist behaviors directed at/towards him. I point this out, because it is my belief that Black people see their own racism, their own bigoted attitudes towards Whites as justified anger, controlled outrage instead of admitting to themselves that they are prejudiced, bigoted racists that dislike, even hate White People. If they cannot admit that basic truth, how can we have that dialogue that Eric Holder claims he wants to have?

We have a Black President, we have come a long way on the road to equality. That said, there is still a long road ahead, and that road cannot, will not be traveled until Blacks take a time out and look within themselves, own their shit, admit their own bigotry and hatred of others, be it the white man, or the gay living down the street from them. It's time to lose the ANGER, and while we are on the subject, it is time to lose the race based Affirmative Action Program.

I'll leave you with this thought...The Black Community was UP IN ARMS when they thought whites (especially White Men) would not vote for Obama because HE WAS BLACK, but could not understand why Hilliary Clinton Supporters were upset to learn many Black People were going to vote for Barack Obama BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK. It's OK if we do it, but RACIST if you do it? Sorry, that does not's like the big N word nigger. Either we put the word away, park it in the garage, or let everyone use it. Blacks might not think that is fair, but sometimes to move forward, life isn't FAIR. We have too many of those terms that are OK when used by one group in a (supposedly) affectionate way, that becomes problematic when used by others...wetback, gringo, even bitch are examples.

Here's a good idea...Accountability. Call me on my shit, but do not get pissed off when I call you on yours. Let us put aside Political Correctness and have true dialogue.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Black Power and Brown Power Good, White Power Painted Into Racist Box

First, as I know it will come up, I am not a racist, and I do not embrace the boxed in White Supremacy structure and definition of the words White Power. I used the term as Blacks use the term Black Power, I embrace their definition, I adopt it as our own.

Black Power
A movement among Black Americans emphasizing racial pride and social equality through the creation of Black political and cultural institutions: "Black Power . . . calls for black people to consolidate behind their own, so that they can bargain from a position of strength" Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton.

White Power
A movement among White Americans emphasizing racial pride and social equality through the creation of White political and cultural institutions: "White Power . . . calls for white people to consolidate behind our own, so that we can bargain from a
position of strength" Good enogh for Carmichael and Hamilton, it is good enough for me, good enough for a White Power Movement.

For those that WILL COMPLAIN about this post, for those that will claim this blog is a White Supremacy Blog, I will put a permanent link to this post, to my own definition of White Power on our side bar.

For the record, and as example of the double standards that BOX WHITE PEOPLE in, keep us from demanding our own Equal Rights, I share below the WIKI explantion of White Power...a definition meant to be oppressive, meant to quilt us into feeling a shame that keeps us both meek and quiet, a definition of White Power I refuse to own, a definition that is perfectly representative of the Reverse Racism that is routinely targeted at Caucasian Americans as teh Black Community wrongfully attempts to saddle us with a quilt over actions that took place long before any of us were born.

White Power is a white nationalist political slogan, and a name for the associated ideology.

As a political phrase, White Power was coined by American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell. He used the term in a debate with Stokely Carmichael of the Black Panther Party, after Carmichael issued a call for "Black Power". White Power became the name of the American Nazi Party's newspaper, and the title of a book by Rockwell. Many white nationalists, including white supremacists and certain neo-Nazis, have since used the phrase White Power to describe their political goal.

White Power as an ideology has become closely associated with a racist faction of the skinhead subculture. When the skinhead scene first developed in the United Kingdom in the late 1960s, it was heavily influenced by Jamaican rude boys and British mods.[1][2][3] However, by the 1980s, a sizable and vocal white power skinhead faction had formed; partly influenced by Ian Stuart Donaldson and his Rock Against Communism band, Skrewdriver. The band's 1983 EP White Power was the first white power rock music recording printed by the White Noise record label.

Double Standards in PRESS REPORTING:

This from a Baltimore Paper:

BALTIMORE (Map, News) - As Sarah Kreager, 26, tried to sit down on a Baltimore City bus Tuesday, police say, a middle-schooler told her she couldn’t. When she attempted to take another seat, a middle-schooler wouldn’t let her. Finally, according to police, Kreager just sat down.

She was “immediately attacked” by nine students — three females and six males — from Robert Poole Middle School. They punched and kicked her at 2:59 p.m. at the intersection of 33rd Street and Chestnut Avenue, according to Maryland Transit Administration police.

The Same Story with the one crucial MISSING PIECE OF INFORMATIONO ADDED IN:

BALTIMORE (Map, News) - As Sarah Kreager, 26, tried to sit down on a Baltimore City bus Tuesday, police say, a black middle-schooler told her she couldn’t. When she attempted to take another seat, a black middle-schooler wouldn’t let her. Finally, according to police, Kreager just sat down.

She was “immediately attacked” by nine black students — three black females and six black males — from Robert Poole Middle School. They punched and kicked her at 2:59 p.m. at the intersection of 33rd Street and Chestnut Avenue, according to Maryland Transit Administration police. (Nine Black Students beating White Woman not a hate crime...tell me Roland Martin, what would you call it if nine White Students were caught beating up a Black Woman?)

President Barack Obama...Black Bigot? Reparation Agenda?

From Washington Scandal (one of my other blogs)...a very interesting observation on Obama's deliberate positional slap down of the entire White Population of American. My own translation...we will all get through this just fine and right a whole lot of wrongs along the way if Whitey just shuts up and takes ITS (used as odd group identifying noun) medicine like a Good Boy! Go break me off a switch from that big old Willow Tree boy...Being flippant, but deliberately so.

Quite a few folks are noticing the TONE of the Obama Administration, but are quietly keeping their voices silent right now. (As in loudly quiet like Illegal Aliens) Not trying to rock the boat here, but this one Boomer is thinking right now that its EVERY MAN, WOMAN and CHILD for themselves as the Economy crashes down around us. Oh...for those that missed the obvious arrow pointed at all of us, my attempt to show we are all racists, I would suggest you look at the deliberate arrangement of Man, Woman and Child. We all have our issues, and the biggest race issue of all is self Pride, as a person, or as a race. (See Hitler)

America is a powder keg right now, and I would suggest it in everyone's best interest right now for every one to be just a bit more sensitive about what you say, ask yourself, if I were_insert race_ how would I react to that remark.

Obama Practices Quiet Racism Against White's In Last Nights Speech

Every one in the pundit parade is running with the Communist China question, the obvious slap at Obama for pushing forward a Socialistic Agenda (which he is). Far more disturbing was his quietly delivered, sharp as a knife, put Whitey in his place racist remark that he delivered in the speech last night when he got to the question about race and his first days in office was posed.

"I think that the last 64 days has been dominated by me trying to figure out how we're going to fix the economy, and that affects black, brown and white," Obama replied.

Sure that the "Roland Martin's" and "Al Sharpton's of the Black Community will want to say I am being over sensitive, but am I? His entire administration, his agenda so far has a very racially tinged "reparations time, Whitey to the back of the bu" taint to it. Add this remark to the growing pile of "Bitch Slap Whitey", put him in his place remarks coming out of, or spoken on behalf of the Obama Administration. Do you remember the whole Robert (Third) Reich, "...Stimulus jobs must not go to the White Construction Worker" remarks, or Congressman Dangel's "Racial Quotas" remarks in the same hearing?

Black History month, and who could forget Eric Holder's let them EAT CAKE moment when he suggests, "Americans are cowards" referring very pointedly to US WHITES as he accused us of SELF SEGREGATING. Black Business, Black Church, Black TV, Black Publishing, Black Empowerment...who are we kidding here.

Look at Obama's AGENDA, and it has racial reparations written all over it. Universal Health Care...Obama freely admits some of us (white Boomers) are going to have to make some sacrifices so every one can have Health Care. (On a percentage of the whole, how many out of that 48 million uninsured are A) Black People, B) Brown People, C) Illegal Aliens, D) Anchor Babies, and E) some of A-D as a multiple factoring market. Couple this allegation with the often heard Obama sentiment that "America NEEDS to ADDRESS/CORRECT the Legacy of Slavery, the LEGACY of being born BLACK." I keep waiting for one of the White House reporters to just up out of their chair and start to SHOUT, "PRAAAISE JESUS!" "OH MY LAAAWD!" "I see the light, THANK YOU JESUS."

Where is E Verify in the Stimulus or Omnibus Bill? Where is "WORK PLACE ENFORCEMENT?"...OH SILLY ME, I forgot that the Wicked Witch of the West, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has declared those raids ABUSIVE.

Where is my apology Mr. Obama?

By the way middle class (mostly WHITE FOLKS) that tax cut I promised you...GONE...sure you understand why I have to break that promise? Let me answer that for you folks...Middle Class tax cut being eliminated from the Budget lets everyone act like they are taking on the White House on the REAL ISSUES by demanding he CUT HIS BUDGET TWO PERCENT. Little Nip here, little nip there, take away the Middle Class tax cut for WHITEY and we got a BUDGET DEAL that sticks to Obama's Socialist Reparations Driven Budget and Policies (Energy, Health Care, Social Security).

Welcome to White Empowerment Blog

Welcome to the White Empowerment Blog where it is OK to be white, and to support white people. This blog is not meant to be racially divisive, but instead is created to offset a system and economy that puts White People at a disadvantage, attempts to make us feel as if we are second class citizens deserving of punishment for the sins of our fathers fathers fathers.

There have been several recent events that have caused me to create this space, all of which culminated with a story I viewed on CNN this morning. A Black Couple are in what they call a one year "Black Empowerment" experiment where, whenever possible they purchase goods and supplies from ONLY BLACK BUSINESS PEOPLE. They said their decision is not about racism against whites, but instead is an experiment in empowering the Black Community by using Black banks, Black Grocer, Black Dry Cleaner so forth and so on. If you go to a predominantly Latino neighborhood, you witness this same kind of race segregation when it comes to supporting the local businesses in the area. Paint it anyway you want, it is shunning, it is prejudice against any business that is not owned and run by someone of your SAME SKIN COLOR (or race, or religion, or sexual orientation). Yet who gets accused of being a Bigot? Would it be tolerated if ALL WHITES decided for one year to only buy from, only hire, only associate with WHITES? WE know the answer to that rhetorical question, and it is time to stop the one way street that is allowed racism.

Affirmative is a race based prejudiced program that discriminates against people that were born white. Why is it right to discriminate against people because they are white? Your kid gets the nod for college because he/she is black? We have a supposed economic expert testifying before Congress on behalf of Obama saying Congress should be careful to make sure that Construction jobs do not go to White men. Worse, we have New York's Congressman Rangel assuring Mr. Reich that they can write formula's that make sure the states spend the money the way Congress wants it spent...with a wink and a nod, RACIAL QUOTA.

Look at your school systems...we have teachers telling White Kids they need to write an essay using at least two examples of White People still oppressing people of color in today's society! HELLO...what kind of garbage is that, and why are you laying that kind of GUILT on any child?

I have come to the conclusion that White Main Street American citizens need to start fighting back, need to take back our pride, need to EMPOWER OURSELVES. To that end, this blog is the beginning of a White Empowerment Movement.